Reduce Non-Revenue Water: Leak Detection Technology

David discusses the benefits of leak detection technology for water utilities and shares case studies.

David is a dedicated District Sales Manager for Clow Valve Company in NYS and western PA. He is licensed to earn CEUs through NYS AWWA and NYS DOH and has a background in competitive card games and sports.

Leak detection technology can benefit water utilities

Reducing non-revenue water (NRW) is a top priority for water utilities, as it not only helps to conserve valuable water resources but also lowers operating costs and increases revenue. In this episode of the #UtilityCloudGuide, David Zinni, Sales Manager at Clow Valve Co., discusses how leak detection technology and active pressure can help utilities reduce NRW and improve efficiency.‍

The Importance of Reducing Non-Revenue Water (NRW)

By continuously monitoring water pressure and identifying leaks in the distribution system, utilities can quickly address and repair these issues, significantly reducing NRW. In addition, active pressure and leak monitoring data can help utilities optimize the overall efficiency of their distribution system. By identifying and fixing leaks and other issues, utilities can reduce the risk of water damage and improve the reliability of service for customers.‍

The use of leak detection technology and active pressure and leak monitoring data is crucial for water utilities looking to for NRW management and improve efficiency. To learn more about the benefits of these technologies and how they can help your utility reduce NRW, be sure to listen to the full podcast for insights from David Zinni.

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